Tennis News

Tennis News April 2020

The project to correct drainage on the tennis courts is complete and the courts look great.   I hope all of you will take the opportunity to play on the new Tennis Surface soon!  The surface may seem “bald” to you , as compared to the way the courts looked previously but be assured, this is way the playing surface should look to achieve a true bounce.  We are hoping for more nice days after the big rain and wind. 
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post grading.jpg
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If you do play, please remember that there are some changes to court support and check-in as follows:
  • Reservations are recommended and can be made up to 3 days in advance.
  • All players are required to check-in at the Sports Center prior to playing.  
  • Sweeping lines and the court after play should be left to Club staff.  If there is a really bad area, smooth it out with your feet.  The courts will be cleaned by staff at least once a day, if used.
  • There will be no drinking water provided on the courts.  Please bring your own water.
Please note that the Pro-Shop will monitor the courts to enforce the check-in policy.  This is important so staff will know when the courts need sweeping.  If you go by the Pro-Shop after playing, you can get a snack and drink and maybe watch the next match (please note you may not enter the Pro Shop at this time, but staff can bring you snacks and beverages).
The Tennis Committee meeting scheduled for April 15th was postponed to May 6th.  We will be discussing the current status of restrictions and when to start Monday tennis and Social tennis.  If you have an opinion or want to listen to the conference call (I am low tech) let me know by email or a phone call and I will send you a long-distance telephone number so you can join the meeting.
We are still looking for volunteers to help  organize Monday tennis, Social tennis and Tournaments.  So if you are willing to help, let me know and we can discuss what is needed.  These are not hard jobs but do require your attendance at some of the events.  
Remember, no handshakes or high fives but racquet taps are an accepted method of greeting and congratulations.  Also, at changeovers practice your social distancing, 6 feet or a little more than an arms and racquet length.
Just be safe so we can continue to play together during this pandemic,
Jim Townsend
Tennis Committee Chair



Clubhouse ReBuild Update