Reserved Block of rooms for 2023!

Hampton Inn & Suites-Exmore/Eastern Shore.


 Hotel:  Hampton Inn & Suites Exmore - Eastern Shore

Group Name: Ladies Golf Tournament

Arrival Date: 08/21/2023

Departure Date: 08/22/2023

Cut-off Date: 07/22/

Or you may call Hilton Reservations toll-free number at 1-800-HILTONS, and mention the Ladies Golf Tournament Group Block at  Hampton Inn & Suites Exmore - Eastern Shore or the unique code LGT to receive the group rate.

Ladies Golf

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Ladies Golf Association

LGA (Ladies Golf Association) membership is open to ESYCC full members and costs $55/year. You also have the option of joining the Women’s Peninsula Golf Ass’n (WPGA) for an additional $15/year, which gives you discounted rates at many courses on the Delmarva peninsula. We also field a competition team in their championship in the spring.
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LGA holds two tournaments (if that sounds intimidating, think of them as outings) each month from April to October, usually on the second and fourth Tuesdays. As you meet more ladies you’ll be able to find more people to play with on other days (many of us try to play every Tuesday and/or Thursday and sometimes other days as well). We have a monthly lunch meeting following the tournament on the second Tuesday.
We have LGA members who play at all levels, with all handicaps. Some usually play 18 holes, others 9, but all are welcoming to new players.
For more information and to join LGA contact this year’s president, Susan Duer at or stop by the Pro Shop for more information. 
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